The Kim Protasov's Diet
Read before you start
Important Notes
Protasov's Diet: Why the Deviations Are Dangerous
Useful information:
Basic metabolism
Basic metabolism is the quantity of calories necessary for organism for the right metabolic process in the state of the rest. When organism obtains the necessary quantity (but not more) of the calories it begins to expend on the physical exercises the existing fatty reserves. With an increase in the muscle loading and the retention of the quantity of the obtained calories of the food the organism respectively more intensively expends fatty reserves.
What occurs when we don't give enough calories to the organism? It begins to slow down "eating" of adipose tissue (which is its energy reserve) and begins to eat the muscular tissue (which is not the reserve, but it is material for the construction).
So, the loading in organism remained, but we do not give to it the necessary food. As a result it, organism begins to make reserves from any quantity and qualities of food, i.e., to put aside new fat.
Figuratively speaking you begin to add weight from carrots... That is why the hungry diets ant the fasting days are so dangerous...
The shortage of 400-500 kcal leads to sharp worsening in well-being (organism cannot normally function), they slow down all processes passing in the organism. Hence weakness, headaches, indisposition and so forth and the like.
The losing weight and malnutrition are NOT the SAME!!!!
The weight losing is the organization of the healthy nourishment after our usual food madness! This is bringing organism into the standard (from a biological point of view) and, consequently, also with the aesthetical!
Therefore EAT!!!!
With metabolism equal to 1200 kcal it is necessary during the day to eat (1-2 weeks):
1000 ml/g of sour-milk products by fattiness 4-5%
+ 1200 g of the fresh vegetables (it is very desirable so that 1/3 constituting there would be the green head cabbage!)
+ 1 boiled egg
+ 3 green apples (Granny Smith)
+ 1,5-2 l water
+ the eighth hour of sleep - here is THE FORMULA OF SUCCESS!!!
Formula for calculating the basic exchange of substances:
Basic Metabolism (kcal) = of 9.563 * weight (kg) + 1.850 * height (cm) - 4.676 * age + 655.1
Formula for calculating the index of the Body Mass Index (BMI):
BMI = Weight of body in kg/the square of the height in meters
Doctors consider standard BMI from 18,5 to 24,9.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Protasov's Diet: Useful information
6:31 AM
Ярлыки: before you start, diet tips, Рrotasov's diet