The Kim Protasov's Diet
Read before you start
Important Notes
Why the Deviations from the Protasov's diet eating plan are dangerous?
When we sit on the Protasov's Diet we retrain our organism: instead of "fast" carbohydrates we force it to split "slow" - complex carbohydrates. t is necessary to work for this purpose, for which he is not accustomed. This is the reason "carbohydrates withdrawal symptoms", which lasts for 3 days and and which is necessary for enduring. "Slow" carbohydrates (with low glycemic index GI) normalize process of development and inflow in blood of the insulin responsible for formation of fatty deposits.
Any doze, for example, sweets provokes the massed emission of insulin, that is infringement of the insulin balance, and brings to nothing your works on "education" of an organism.
Do not think, that one candy threatens you with an additional weight in 10 grams: it threatens that in an organism again will begin "insulin violence ", that is relapse of almost cured infringements of the metabolism leading excess weight.
Do you think, that anithing terrible does not happen from a small dose? Alas, it not so: the organism responds adequately to any product in any quantity diverted to the alimentary canal. Why do you not doubt of it, when accept a tiny tablet?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Protasov's Diet: Why the Deviations Are Dangerous
10:48 PM
Ярлыки: before you start, diet tips, Рrotasov's diet