The Kim Protasov's Diet
Read before you start
So, the essence of this beautiful diet:
Raw vegetables.
The various cheeses and five (or less) fat yoghurts.
One boiled egg.
Three green apples.
Coffee, tea, water.
Keep in mind that IT IS ALL in any amount and at any time of a day.
All the same, plus a piece of meat, poultry or fish.
Let's reduce a bit cheeses and yoghurts (by 300-400 g)
Before you buy products, examine the following:
The food should be as simple, as possible, to ensure that the body would be cleaned.
The amount of the vegetables and milk products should be the same (or slightly more vegetables).
Egg (1 per Day).
Cultured natural milk products with fat less or equals 5% (those in which no preservatives, sugar, additives, stabilizers and other chemical products) is kefir, yoghurt, type of plain yogurt, acidophilus milk, boiled fermented milk (all dairy products made with the help of natural starter).
Don't eat only fat free products, that may be cause of the emmeniopathy.
Vegetables only fresh and non-starch.
You can cook yogurt: Boil the milk. Chill to 70 degrees Celsius, approximately. At 0.5 litres of the milk put 2 tsp starter (or organic yoghurt Activia, can be sweet, and then the first batch will be sweet) stor, close the lid and through 6 hours yoghurt ready. Tasty, but more importantly, you can be sure that he had no additives.
Better to limit canned vegetables (they do NOT fresh), there are not more than 1-2 times a week - and then, if you want ... But do BETTER WITHOUT them!
You can eat salt. The diet without salt can be dangerous for fluid-and-electrolyte balance sharing, brain, heart ... But eat salt in reasonable quantities!
Apples (3 per Day) - green (NOT replace with anything).
Add in food the natural food seasonings and spices.
Tea (mostly green, black lead to dehydration), herbal infusions, coffee (without sugar and milk) and fresh juices, mineral water
You can dress salads with lemon juice.
From the third weeks:
Fish, seafood, meat, offal, stewed, boiled, fried without oil !!!!
- Sugar, Sweeteners is also undesirable.
- Crab sticks, sausage.
- The Korean carrot-and other salads, cooked not by you if you are not sure that they do not have a banned products.
- Meat soup, vegetable soup and boiled vegetables.
- Soy-and soy products
- Food with gelatine
- Vinegar and its variety
- Avocado (this is the fruit!)
- Dairy Products with additives (fruits, cereals… ..) yogurters… and other derivatives.
- Juices from packages NOT allowed! It is a sugar and empty calories, plus dyes!
Want to be slim - forget about juices from paсkages. Only fresh apple or vegetable juices.
PS: Protasov do not prohibit milk. But no more than 1.5% and the amount of milk shall not exceed 300 ml per day.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Important Notes to Protasov's Diet
2:27 AM
Ярлыки: before you start, best diet, diet tips, Рrotasov's diet