Protasov's diet is amazingly good because:
1. DOES NOT LIMIT A QUANTITY OF FOOD, which very well from a psychological point of view. It is more easy to maintain this diet than many others.
2. Protasov's diet restore the metabolism, bring it to the optimal functioning. The absence of carbohydrates with the high glycemic index normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and stops the sweet addiction.
3. Large quantity of dairy products provides the sufficient amount of protein, and also calcium and lactose. This helps to a loss of adipose tissue, while maintaining and even increasing muscle.
4. Diet prescribes to eat a large quantity of fresh vegetables, and these are - vitamins, minerals, microelements, cellulose. Nourishing anf healthy!
It adjusts the work of bowels. If, of course, actually eat a lot of vegetables (more than dairy products).
Some dieters drink three liters of the kefir and eat the pair kilograms of white cheese during the day with the pitiful cucumber - yes, they became sad very quickly.
5. The fats in Protasov's diet are limited, but not eliminated. This is right.
In order to complete initial step and to be freed from the sweet addiction, Protasov's diet can approach. Possible solution - to begin from the third week, and add other fruits to the apples, vegetable oil, something grain and to convert this version into its own model of nourishment.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The Good Facts about Protasov's Diet
5:27 AM
Ярлыки: best diet, low-carb, Рrotasov's diet
Thursday, December 06, 2007
After the Protasov's Diet
The Kim Protasov's Diet
Read before you start
Important Notes
Protasov's Diet: Why the Deviations Are Dangerous
Protasov's Diet: Useful information
How to leave from the Protasov's diet?
It is necessary to introduce te changes not all at once, but gradually. Do not add the entire culinary book, but replace something to something for expanding of assortment, satisfaction of taste, addition of vitamins, minerals, microelements. And all this - with the small, if not zero, increase in the caloricity. This is a basis of the exit from Protasov's diet.
Thus EXIT must be slow, uniform, gradual.
step 1. part of the dairy products (not all!) we take entirely fatless (0,5-1%), and for the compensation we add vegetable oil into the lettuces. On the day - not more than 15 g of vegetable oil (this 3 tea spoons).
I.e., the part of the animal fats we replace with an equivalent quantity of vegetable oils. For information: three olives have 1.5 gram of a good fat, in three large almonds is also 1.5. Accordingly, if you ate olives or nuts, then you have to decreased a quantity of other oil. Always we count the fats! Not more than 30-35 g per the day for everything, including fats in the dairy, meat, fish, in the lettuce, and in the eggs (there are 4-6 g of fat in the yolk);
step 2. two apples of three we substitute by some other fruits (but not very
sweet and, of course, not bananas, not mango and not dry dates);
step 3. Now In the morning we eat cereals instead of the vegetables from
the calculation
1-2 table of the spoon of dry cereal to the appropriate volume of water.
step 4. We substitute the part of the dairy products whit the lean meat, chicken and other sources of the protein.
Exemplary menu after the diet:
It is just the suggestion. Is is necessary to slowly introduce carbohydrates and to count fats.
- 6 weeks as 5, but on the less fat from dairy products + of 2-3 spoons of cereals on the water.
- 7 weeks as 6 and we substitute apples by other non-sweet fruits.
- 8 as 7 we add a little of the dried fruit
- 9 as 8 we add the boiled vegetables + we substitute the part of dairy food with the meat
- Week 10 we begin to introduce common products of our life into the ration.
Reducing gradually a quantity of dietary products.
Do not eat at least 1-2 months rice, pasta, bread.
In the period of diet itself so after it the discharge of weight occurs depending on the specific features of each organism.
6:06 AM
Ярлыки: diet tips, low-carb, Рrotasov's diet
Monday, November 19, 2007
About the "vegetable aerocolia"
If to the moment of passage to Protasov's diet you fed "as all people" - with a small quantity of fresh vegetables and fruits and a large quantity of "poor" carbohydrates and products of industrial production in the ration - that in the first 2 weeks of correct nourishment the unpleasant side effect is possible: the abdominal distension. Do not hurry to follow the majority of doctors and to blame fresh vegetables and fruits in this phenomenon. They are not guilty, but that "rubbish", which remained in the bowels after many years of incorrect nourishment. In combination with fruit and vegetable cellulose it gives "explosive" effect. There is the only one medicine: continue to eat fresh vegetables and fruits in the sufficiently large quantity (portion not less than 200-250 g) to the hungry stomach and to collect the patience.
Vegetable cellulose will clean from the bowels a basic quantity of "rubbish" and unpleasant phenomena will cease during 2 weeks. In this case it is necessary to drink not less than 1,5 l of pure water during the day, since cellulose is derived well from the bowels, only with a water.
To probably superfluously recall that salt and large quantity of servicing in the lettuce will lower "clearning" vegetable effect almost to zero.
And of course the described "therapy" is not applied to the people with the serious chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Protasov's Diet: Useful information
The Kim Protasov's Diet
Read before you start
Important Notes
Protasov's Diet: Why the Deviations Are Dangerous
Useful information:
Basic metabolism
Basic metabolism is the quantity of calories necessary for organism for the right metabolic process in the state of the rest. When organism obtains the necessary quantity (but not more) of the calories it begins to expend on the physical exercises the existing fatty reserves. With an increase in the muscle loading and the retention of the quantity of the obtained calories of the food the organism respectively more intensively expends fatty reserves.
What occurs when we don't give enough calories to the organism? It begins to slow down "eating" of adipose tissue (which is its energy reserve) and begins to eat the muscular tissue (which is not the reserve, but it is material for the construction).
So, the loading in organism remained, but we do not give to it the necessary food. As a result it, organism begins to make reserves from any quantity and qualities of food, i.e., to put aside new fat.
Figuratively speaking you begin to add weight from carrots... That is why the hungry diets ant the fasting days are so dangerous...
The shortage of 400-500 kcal leads to sharp worsening in well-being (organism cannot normally function), they slow down all processes passing in the organism. Hence weakness, headaches, indisposition and so forth and the like.
The losing weight and malnutrition are NOT the SAME!!!!
The weight losing is the organization of the healthy nourishment after our usual food madness! This is bringing organism into the standard (from a biological point of view) and, consequently, also with the aesthetical!
Therefore EAT!!!!
With metabolism equal to 1200 kcal it is necessary during the day to eat (1-2 weeks):
1000 ml/g of sour-milk products by fattiness 4-5%
+ 1200 g of the fresh vegetables (it is very desirable so that 1/3 constituting there would be the green head cabbage!)
+ 1 boiled egg
+ 3 green apples (Granny Smith)
+ 1,5-2 l water
+ the eighth hour of sleep - here is THE FORMULA OF SUCCESS!!!
Formula for calculating the basic exchange of substances:
Basic Metabolism (kcal) = of 9.563 * weight (kg) + 1.850 * height (cm) - 4.676 * age + 655.1
Formula for calculating the index of the Body Mass Index (BMI):
BMI = Weight of body in kg/the square of the height in meters
Doctors consider standard BMI from 18,5 to 24,9.
6:31 AM
Ярлыки: before you start, diet tips, Рrotasov's diet
Monday, November 12, 2007
Protasov's Diet: Why the Deviations Are Dangerous
The Kim Protasov's Diet
Read before you start
Important Notes
Why the Deviations from the Protasov's diet eating plan are dangerous?
When we sit on the Protasov's Diet we retrain our organism: instead of "fast" carbohydrates we force it to split "slow" - complex carbohydrates. t is necessary to work for this purpose, for which he is not accustomed. This is the reason "carbohydrates withdrawal symptoms", which lasts for 3 days and and which is necessary for enduring. "Slow" carbohydrates (with low glycemic index GI) normalize process of development and inflow in blood of the insulin responsible for formation of fatty deposits.
Any doze, for example, sweets provokes the massed emission of insulin, that is infringement of the insulin balance, and brings to nothing your works on "education" of an organism.
Do not think, that one candy threatens you with an additional weight in 10 grams: it threatens that in an organism again will begin "insulin violence ", that is relapse of almost cured infringements of the metabolism leading excess weight.
Do you think, that anithing terrible does not happen from a small dose? Alas, it not so: the organism responds adequately to any product in any quantity diverted to the alimentary canal. Why do you not doubt of it, when accept a tiny tablet?
10:48 PM
Ярлыки: before you start, diet tips, Рrotasov's diet
Important Notes to Protasov's Diet
The Kim Protasov's Diet
Read before you start
So, the essence of this beautiful diet:
Raw vegetables.
The various cheeses and five (or less) fat yoghurts.
One boiled egg.
Three green apples.
Coffee, tea, water.
Keep in mind that IT IS ALL in any amount and at any time of a day.
All the same, plus a piece of meat, poultry or fish.
Let's reduce a bit cheeses and yoghurts (by 300-400 g)
Before you buy products, examine the following:
The food should be as simple, as possible, to ensure that the body would be cleaned.
The amount of the vegetables and milk products should be the same (or slightly more vegetables).
Egg (1 per Day).
Cultured natural milk products with fat less or equals 5% (those in which no preservatives, sugar, additives, stabilizers and other chemical products) is kefir, yoghurt, type of plain yogurt, acidophilus milk, boiled fermented milk (all dairy products made with the help of natural starter).
Don't eat only fat free products, that may be cause of the emmeniopathy.
Vegetables only fresh and non-starch.
You can cook yogurt: Boil the milk. Chill to 70 degrees Celsius, approximately. At 0.5 litres of the milk put 2 tsp starter (or organic yoghurt Activia, can be sweet, and then the first batch will be sweet) stor, close the lid and through 6 hours yoghurt ready. Tasty, but more importantly, you can be sure that he had no additives.
Better to limit canned vegetables (they do NOT fresh), there are not more than 1-2 times a week - and then, if you want ... But do BETTER WITHOUT them!
You can eat salt. The diet without salt can be dangerous for fluid-and-electrolyte balance sharing, brain, heart ... But eat salt in reasonable quantities!
Apples (3 per Day) - green (NOT replace with anything).
Add in food the natural food seasonings and spices.
Tea (mostly green, black lead to dehydration), herbal infusions, coffee (without sugar and milk) and fresh juices, mineral water
You can dress salads with lemon juice.
From the third weeks:
Fish, seafood, meat, offal, stewed, boiled, fried without oil !!!!
- Sugar, Sweeteners is also undesirable.
- Crab sticks, sausage.
- The Korean carrot-and other salads, cooked not by you if you are not sure that they do not have a banned products.
- Meat soup, vegetable soup and boiled vegetables.
- Soy-and soy products
- Food with gelatine
- Vinegar and its variety
- Avocado (this is the fruit!)
- Dairy Products with additives (fruits, cereals… ..) yogurters… and other derivatives.
- Juices from packages NOT allowed! It is a sugar and empty calories, plus dyes!
Want to be slim - forget about juices from paсkages. Only fresh apple or vegetable juices.
PS: Protasov do not prohibit milk. But no more than 1.5% and the amount of milk shall not exceed 300 ml per day.
2:27 AM
Ярлыки: before you start, best diet, diet tips, Рrotasov's diet
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Read Before You Start the Kim Protasov's Diet
Don't start the Kim Protasov's Diet before reading this post! This will give you an opportunity to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings. Now we highlight the most frequently asked questions.
1. Before you sit on the diet read carefully the diet's essence (we recommend to print the description).
2.after reading the diet:
- if for some reasons, Kim Protasov's Diet is not suited to you (you don't like Acidified milk products or raw vegetables or something you should not) that means you should not use it.
- if you are having problems with the stomach, allergy products - the diet is not for you.
3. if for some reason you decide to replace authorized products on unauthorized or diet does not approach to you for timing… this is not the Protasov's Diet, respectively, you can not expect the same results.
4. The diet described here. The diet lasts 5 weeks, the way out last 5 weeks too, it (is due to the fact that a withdrawal from the diet should be equal to the length of the diets).
5. During the Diet you must:
a) take vitamins to compensate for the shortage of micronutrients.
b) There is a need to eat every day at least 1200-1500 kcal.
6. if during the diet raises discomfort, painful sensations, violations cycle-stop diet and immediately turn to a doctor.
7. Sport is welcome.
2:35 AM
Ярлыки: before you start, best diet, low-carb, Рrotasov's diet