Protasov's diet is amazingly good because:
1. DOES NOT LIMIT A QUANTITY OF FOOD, which very well from a psychological point of view. It is more easy to maintain this diet than many others.
2. Protasov's diet restore the metabolism, bring it to the optimal functioning. The absence of carbohydrates with the high glycemic index normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and stops the sweet addiction.
3. Large quantity of dairy products provides the sufficient amount of protein, and also calcium and lactose. This helps to a loss of adipose tissue, while maintaining and even increasing muscle.
4. Diet prescribes to eat a large quantity of fresh vegetables, and these are - vitamins, minerals, microelements, cellulose. Nourishing anf healthy!
It adjusts the work of bowels. If, of course, actually eat a lot of vegetables (more than dairy products).
Some dieters drink three liters of the kefir and eat the pair kilograms of white cheese during the day with the pitiful cucumber - yes, they became sad very quickly.
5. The fats in Protasov's diet are limited, but not eliminated. This is right.
In order to complete initial step and to be freed from the sweet addiction, Protasov's diet can approach. Possible solution - to begin from the third week, and add other fruits to the apples, vegetable oil, something grain and to convert this version into its own model of nourishment.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The Good Facts about Protasov's Diet
5:27 AM
Ярлыки: best diet, low-carb, Рrotasov's diet
Thursday, December 06, 2007
After the Protasov's Diet
The Kim Protasov's Diet
Read before you start
Important Notes
Protasov's Diet: Why the Deviations Are Dangerous
Protasov's Diet: Useful information
How to leave from the Protasov's diet?
It is necessary to introduce te changes not all at once, but gradually. Do not add the entire culinary book, but replace something to something for expanding of assortment, satisfaction of taste, addition of vitamins, minerals, microelements. And all this - with the small, if not zero, increase in the caloricity. This is a basis of the exit from Protasov's diet.
Thus EXIT must be slow, uniform, gradual.
step 1. part of the dairy products (not all!) we take entirely fatless (0,5-1%), and for the compensation we add vegetable oil into the lettuces. On the day - not more than 15 g of vegetable oil (this 3 tea spoons).
I.e., the part of the animal fats we replace with an equivalent quantity of vegetable oils. For information: three olives have 1.5 gram of a good fat, in three large almonds is also 1.5. Accordingly, if you ate olives or nuts, then you have to decreased a quantity of other oil. Always we count the fats! Not more than 30-35 g per the day for everything, including fats in the dairy, meat, fish, in the lettuce, and in the eggs (there are 4-6 g of fat in the yolk);
step 2. two apples of three we substitute by some other fruits (but not very
sweet and, of course, not bananas, not mango and not dry dates);
step 3. Now In the morning we eat cereals instead of the vegetables from
the calculation
1-2 table of the spoon of dry cereal to the appropriate volume of water.
step 4. We substitute the part of the dairy products whit the lean meat, chicken and other sources of the protein.
Exemplary menu after the diet:
It is just the suggestion. Is is necessary to slowly introduce carbohydrates and to count fats.
- 6 weeks as 5, but on the less fat from dairy products + of 2-3 spoons of cereals on the water.
- 7 weeks as 6 and we substitute apples by other non-sweet fruits.
- 8 as 7 we add a little of the dried fruit
- 9 as 8 we add the boiled vegetables + we substitute the part of dairy food with the meat
- Week 10 we begin to introduce common products of our life into the ration.
Reducing gradually a quantity of dietary products.
Do not eat at least 1-2 months rice, pasta, bread.
In the period of diet itself so after it the discharge of weight occurs depending on the specific features of each organism.
6:06 AM
Ярлыки: diet tips, low-carb, Рrotasov's diet