Thursday, September 28, 2006

South Beach Diet. Overview

Most people are sick of trying new diets for one reason – they do not work! What makes the South Beach Diet different is that it teaches a way of life where you rely on the right carbohydrates and fats. South Beach Diet is self-described as "neither low-fat nor low-carb". This new way of eating allows you to live contently without eating the bad carbohydrates and fats. In contrast, when a person eats bad carbohydrates and fats they feel hungrier, causing them to eat more, which causes weight gain. In exchange for eating right, you become healthier and can enjoy an 8 to 13 pound weight loss in just two weeks.

Developed by Dr Agatston in 1999, to help patients avoid or combat heart problems, it also boasts weight loss. It works on the idea that carbs cause weight gain, which is similar to the Atkins diet, however the South Beach diet doesn’t limit carbs so much as Atkits diet. It divides them into 'good' carbs (e.g. high fibre cereals, wheat breads) and 'bad' carbs (e.g. biscuits, pasta). 'Bad' carbs make you feel full temporarily, but cause your blood sugar levels to rise sharply and lead to craving for more foods that cause in weight gain. When they fall again they leave you feeling lethargic and hungry. The South Beach diet also differentiates between 'good' fats (monounsaturated) and 'bad' fats (saturated). You eat 3 healthy balanced meals a day and snacks are allowed, however, by eating the right kinds of foods you will feel fuller for longer.

The choice of eating plans has never been wider for dieters. This diet works in phases, the first two for a specific timeframe and the third phase for life. With this new approach, you can stop counting calories, stop weighing food portions, and stop feeling as though you are deprived from eating good-tasting and satisfying food! Actually, you will be eating three, normal-size meals but wait, that not all! You will also get two snacks each day and with meal plans that are designed to be flexible, you can enjoy a variety, based on what sounds good to you on any particular day.

South Beach Diet plan is divided into phases: Phase One lasts 14 days, and is the strictest. Normal-sized portions of lean protein are allowed, as are vegetables, nuts, cheese and eggs. The goal of this phase is to eat three meals a day so that followers aren't left feeling hungry, and to eliminate cravings for starches and sweets. Phase Two lasts until dieters reach their weight-loss goal, and reintroduces some foods that were banned in Phase One, such as whole-grain breads and dairy foods. Phase Three is all about maintenance, and is less a phase than a "way of life."

We will discuss these phases in more details in the next article.

Best of all, you will see amazing results in a short amount of time. Your hips, thighs, and stomach will be thinner, the number on the scales will go down, and all those overwhelming food cravings will be gone! Just imagine losing weight while still enjoying many of your favorite foods. With the diet, you can dine on mouth-watering foods like Chicken en Papillote, Shrimp Louis, and even Chocolate Sponge Cake and still lose the weight!

More: South Beach Diet. Phases

South Beach Diet – official website